Import Autodesk Inventor

Modeling: ExchangeImport/ExportImport3D FilesAutodesk Inventor (V6 - V2012)

Import CAD data from Autodesk's Inventor CAD system. Currently only individual part files are supported.


Opens the selected Autodesk Inventor  file, adds its data to your model and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.

Copy file to project

Use this option to copy the import file to the project folder. If you save your project to another destination the imported file is copied automatically. For more information see Copy_file_to_project.


Enable this check button to heal the structure after it is imported. Healing checks the imported structure and tries to repair it if necessary.

Scale to current unit

Enables scaling of the imported model to the currently active unit. If not activated the import feature uses the source units. In such a case, no scaling occurs.


Shows this help text.

See also

Importing and Exporting Models