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兄弟姐妹们,我最近用labview编写了一个测试待机电流的软件(GPIB, Agilent66311B),现在有一些疑问,请有经验的高手指点一二:
(1):待机电流的平均值是怎么计算的? 是取算术平均值还是要进行什么样的处理?

对于您的问题,在14565B的帮助文件中的windows function一节中有所阐述。我直接为您摘抄出答案,以供参考:
DC Measurement
DC measurement is the average value of the sampled data. The number of data points upon which the measurement is based is determined by the sample rate. If the captured waveform data is not an integral number of cycles when measuring very low frequency waveforms, then the dc measurement will not be representative of the actual average dc current at the device under test.

NOTE: The dc value shown on the bottom of the display may differ from the value shown on the front panel of the instrument (and the Output Display area of the Main window). This is because the calculated measurements at the bottom of the screen are derived from the sample rate shown, which can be varied by changing the time/div selection (see Measurement Samples for more information). The front panel and Output Display area factory-default sample rate is 21,367 Hz. Differences in sample rates may result in differences in calculated measurements.

RMS Measurement
RMS measurement is the root-mean-square of the sampled data. The number of data points upon which the measurement is based is determined by the sample rate.

High and Low Measurements
High and Low measurements are calculated using a histogram. The histogram is divided into 1024 bins between the maximum and minimum data point in the measurement buffer. The bin containing the most data points above the 50% point is the High bin - the average value of which is returned as the High value. The bin containing the most data points below the 50% point is the Low bin - the average value of which is returned as the Low value. If no bin contains at least 1.25% of the total number of measurement points, then the maximum or minimum values are returned as the High or Low measurements respectively .

Best wishes,

Agilent Open Lab, Agilent Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel: 86-21-23017704


