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2。Right-click in the 3D Modeler window, then click Select Faces on the shortcut menu.
In this mode you can select an object’s faces instead of the entire object.
When the mouse hovers over a face in the 3D Modeler window, that face is highlighted, which
indicates that it will be selected when you click.
3. Select the bottom face of the object airvol by doing the following:
• Press and hold down Alt and drag the mouse to rotate the model to a position where you
can then click the bottom face of the object airvol.
If you are having difficulty selecting this interior bottom face, right-click in the 
3D Modeler window and click Next Behind from the shortcut menu. This option selects
the face or object behind a selected face or object.
2.里面的Right-click ,在HFSS10.0里面不能在3D Modeler 菜单上右击鼠标?怎么办?
3.里面的click the bottom face of the object airvol点击airvol底面怎么实现?airvol是一个空腔,用ployhedron画的,应该是一个整体,怎么选择它的底面?
文件名: 微波仿真论坛_antenna.pdf
描述: 微波仿真论坛_antenna.pdf
下载链接: http://www.fs2you.com/files/2c46a351-cb5c-11dc-b90a-0014221f3995/

2. 它说的是在3D模型的窗口(也就是模型显示的那个窗口)中点击右键,不是在菜单上
3.他说有两种方法选择底面,一种是按住Alt键然后拖动鼠标把模型的底面转过来向上然后选择,或则在3D模型的窗口中点右键选择Next Behind 选项,然后点击一个面,这时就会自动选择你点击的面后面那个面.
其实选择背面的面可以用快捷键b. 你先选择一个面,然后按b,选中的面就自动变为后面的那个面了. 说了好多,不知道说清楚没有

HFSS 9.0我用过. 我对这个问题的看法如下:
1.如果在3D模型空间中点右键没反应, 可能是鼠标点在了某个模型上, 要点在空处才可以满打激活你说的那个右键菜单.
2. 针对第二个问题, 楼上的说得有道理, HFSS9.0中菜单中有个子菜单, 里面有"object", "face", " edge", "vertex"4个选项, 你要选表面时就选"Face"再去点要选的表面, 如果该表面被前面的挡住了, 可以按ALT键同时拖动鼠标转过来, 或是用右键菜单中的"Next Behind"选项即可.
与楼上的有点重复, 不知道有没有帮助..

